

Digital Artist | Game Designer | Animator

Digital Artist | Game Designer | Animator


Hi! My name is Para and I work as a creative director in an agency in Zurich, Switzerland. I’m also working on my personal projects that needs to be finished.

Since my earliest childhood days, my hands always wanted to grab a pencil and a paper. The possibility of drawing whatever I could imagine was my locomotion. I had all the information coming along from comic books and what I was able to watch on television these days.

As a kid I was watching “A Dog of Flanders”, produced by Nippon Animation and I was so stunned to see that for the first time in my life, I knew… this is it. Boom. The series shows how the hopes of becoming a (maybe) great classical painter have been seemingly crushed by a young boy after his grandfather’s passing and the way he takes after that tragedy.

That was me… that was exactly me.

